Information under Clause B.1.11 of MSRR, 1999
Information under Clause B.1.11 of Minimum Standard Requirement Regulations, 1999 and as amended
Details of Dean/Principal & Medical Superintendent
Details of Dean/Principal & Medical Superintendent:
Detail | Principal | Medical Superintendent |
Name: | Dr. Mandar Dattatraya Karmarkar | Dr. Sanjay Kewalchand Lalwani |
Qualifications: | MD (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology) | MD (Paediatrics), DNB (Paediatrics) |
Address: | 477 B, Parvati Darshan, C-2, Shalimar Soc., Sahakarnagar, Pune | 63/2B, Kamla Heritage, Pune Satara Road, Above Hotel Baasuri, Parvati, Pune |
State: | Maharashtra | Maharashtra |
PIN Code: | 411 009 | 411 009 |
Phone (Off) : | 020-24373226 | 020-40555555 Ext. 3921 |
Mobile No.: | 020-24364561 | 9822051716 |
E-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Faculty List
Faculty List
- 01. Anatomy
- 02. Physiology
- 03. Biochemistry
- 04. Pathology
- 05. Microbiology
- 06. Pharmacology
- 07. Forensic Medicine
- 08. Community Medicine
- 09. General Medicine
- 10. Psychiatry
- 11. Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy
- 12. Respiratory Medicine
- 13. Paediatrics
- 14. General Surgery
- 15. Orthopaedics
- 16. Oto.Rhino.Laryngology
- 17. Ophthalmology
- 18. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- 19. Anaesthesiology
- 20. Radiodiagnosis
- 21. Emergency Medicine
- 22. Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion
- 23. Cardiology
- 24. Critical Care Medicine
- 25. Neonatology
- 26. Urology
- 27. Medical Gastroenterology
- 28. Neurology
- 29. Clinical Immunnology and Rheumatology
Admissions : UG, PG & Specialization
Admissions : UG, PG & Specialization
Students admitted (year-wise)
- UG 2024-25
- M.Sc. 2023-24
- M.Sc. 2024-25
- PG 2023-24
- PGDMLT 2023-24
- PGDMLT 2024-25
- Super Specialty Course 2023-24
- UG Admissions List : 2023-24
- Super-Speciality Courses : 2022-23
- UG 2022-23
- PG 2022-23
- M.Sc. 2022-23
- PG DMLT 2022-23
- DMLT 2021-22
- M.Sc. 2021-22
- UG 2021-22
- UG 2020-21
- PG 2021-22
- PG 2020-21
- Super Speciality 2021-22
- Super-speciality 2020-21
- M.Sc. 2020-21
- DMLT 2020-21
Anti Gender Harassment / Anti Sexual Harassment Committee
Anti Gender Harassment / Anti Sexual Harassment Committee
Research Projects and Publications
Research Projects
- Research Projects 2022-23
- Research Projects 2021-22
- Research Projects 2020-21
- Research Projects 2019-20
Research Publications
Awards & Achievements (Faculty & Students)
Awards & Achievements (Faculty & Students)
- Awards & Achievements 2023-24
- Awards & Achievements 2022-23
- Awards & Achievements 2021-22
- Dr. Gayatri Gawade Second Prize Paper Presentation 19 May 2023
- Annual Academic Awards Ceremony (Undergraduate) 2022
- Awards & Achievements 2020-21
- Faculty Achievements - Dr. Priti Dhande
- Faculty Achievements - Dr. Girija Wagh
- Faculty Achievements - Dr. Abhilasha Handu
- Faculty Achievements - Dr. Abhijit Mane
- Awards & Achievements 2019-20
- PMC Appreciation Letter for Bharati Hospital as COVID hospital
- Southern Command, Pune, honours COVID Warriors of Bharati Hospital, Pune
Affiliating University Details
Affiliating University Details
Item | University | Vice Chancellor | Registrar |
Name: | Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune | Prof. Dr. Vivek A. Saoji | Shri. Jaykumar G |
Address: | Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Sadhashiv Peth, Pune | Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Sadashiv Peth, Pune. | Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Sadashiv Peth, Pune. |
State: | Maharashtra | Maharashtra | Maharashtra |
Pin Code: | 411 030 | 411030 | 411030 |
E.mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
- First Year MBBS (Supplementary February 2024)
- First Year MBBS (Supplementary October 2024)
- III MBBS Part I April Supplementary 2024
- M.Sc. January 2024
- M.Sc. October 2024
- PGDMLT June 2024
- Second Year MBBS (January 2024)
- Second Year MBBS (March 2024)
- Third MBBS Part II (January 2024)
- Third MBBS Part II March Supplementary 2024
- III MBBS Part I January 2024
- I MBBS Result : December 2023
- PG Results : July-2023
- I MBBS Supplementary : April-2023
- III MBBS Part-I Supplementary March 2023
- III MBBS Part-II March 2023
- II Year MBBS Supplementary 2023
- I MBBS February 2023
- II MBBS January 2023
- III MBBS Part-I February 2023
- DMLT June 2022 (Old and New Course)
- M.Sc. July 2022
- PG June 2022
- Second M.B.B.S. July 2022
- Second M.B.B.S. July 2022 (Old Course)
- Third M.B.B.S. Part-I July 2022
- Third M.B.B.S. Part-II July 2022
- DMLT October 2021
- M.Sc. December 2021
- M.Sc. July 2021
- PG January 2021
- PG June 2021
- Superspecialty September 2021
- Third MBBS Part-I March 2022
- Third MBBS Part-II March 2022
- Second MBBS (Old Course) April 2022
- First Year MBBS : February 2022
- Second Year MBBS : February 2022
- First MBBS Supplementary March 2021
- Third MBBS Part-II March 2021
- Third MBBS Part-I January 2021
- Second MBBS March 2021
- First MBBS February 2021
- DMLT June 2020
- First MBBS July 2020
- M.Sc. October 2020
- Second MBBS July 2020
- Super Speciality August 2020
- Super Speciality March 2020
- Third MBBS Part-I July 2020
- Third MBBS Part-II July 2020
- Third Year MBBS Part-I (January 2020)
- Third Year MBBS Part-II (January 2020)
- Second Year MBBS (January 2020)
- PG June 2020
Status of Recognition of all Courses
Status of Recognition of all Courses
- MBBS Continuation of Recognition 07-06-23
- Renewal of Continuation of Recognition for 15-07-2021
- Continuation MBBS 150 seats 11-12-2015
- Recognition MBBS 120 to 150 Seat 28-06-2009
- Permission by Govt of Mah 04-02-1989
B) Broad Speciality
1) Anatomy
2) Physiology
3) Biochemistry
- Permission letter Govt- letter 3 Seats 23-03-2010
- Recognition BOG-MCI 3 Seats 14-09-2013
- Renewal of Recognition BOG MCI 15-2-19
4) Pharmacology
- Renewal of Recognition 4 seats NMC-PG MEB 19-04-2023
- Permission increase intake BOG-MCI 3 to 4 Seats 01-04-2011
- Recognition MCI 3 to 4 Seats 17-10-2015
5) Microbiology
- Permission Govt letter 4 Seat 30-03-2010
- Recognition BOG-MCI 4 Seats 14-09-2013
- Renewal of Recognition BOG -MCI 4 seats 03-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt- 4 seats 28-02-2019
6) Pathology
- Permission BOG-MCI 7-12 seats 25-11-2019
- Recognition Govt- Notif- 3-4 Seats 8-7-2019
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Recognition BOG-MCI 3 to 4 seats 28-02-2019
7) Community Medicine
- Permission Govt. 5 Seats 31-03-2010
- Recognition BOG-MCI 5 Seats 14-09-2013
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 5 seats 03-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt. of 5 seats 28-02-2019
8) General Medicine
- Permission BOG-MCI 10 to 19 seats 25-11-2019
- Recongnition BOG-MCI 5 to 10 Seats 16-10-2012
- Renewal of Recognition 10 seats 21-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt Notfi- 10 seats 26-04-2019
9) Paediatrics
- Permission BOG MCI 9 to 15 seats 26-11-2019
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Recongnition BOG-MCI 3 to 6 seats 17-10-2015
10) Psychiatry
- Permission increase intake 3-5 seats NMC-MARB : 29/03/2023
- Permission increase intake 2 to 3 Seats 15-04-2014
- Recognition BOG-MCI 2-3 seats 20-07-2019
- Recognition Govt- Notification 2-3 seats 01-08-2019
11) Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
- Permission increase intake 2 to 3 Seats 15-04-2014
- Recognition BOG-MCI 2-3 seats 30-04-2020
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Recognition of Govt notification for 2-3 seats 19-05-2020
12) Respiratory Medicine
- Permission 1 Seat 26-03-2010
- Permission NMC increase intake 1 to 4 seats 25-11-21
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 1 seat 03-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt- 1 seat 28-02-2019
13) General Surgery
- Permission letter increase intake 5 to10 seats 10-03-2009
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 10 seats 21-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt Notfi-10 seats 26-04-2019
14) Orthopaedics
- Permission increase intake 3 to 5 31-03-2009
- Permission increase intake NMC 7 to 10 seats 25-11-2021
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 5 seats 21-02-2019
- Renewal of Recogniton Govt Notfi- 5 seats 26-04-2019
15) Radio-diagnosis
- Permission increase intake 2 to 6 Seats 13-05-2016
- Permission increase intake BOG-MCI 8 to 15 seats 26-11-2019
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Recognition Govt Notification 2 to 6 Seats 13-05-2016
- Recognition MCI 2 to 6 Seats 09-04-2016
16) Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
- Renewal of Recognition for 3 seats NMC PGMEB 09-05-23
- ENT Permission increase intake 3-5 seats NMC 07-09-22
- Permission increase intake 2 to 3 Seats 31-03-2011
- Recognition Govt increase intake 2 to 3 seats 05-01-2016
- Recognition MCI 2 to 3 Seats 17-10-2015
- Renewal of Recognition 3 seats by NMC 11-01-2021
17) Opthalmology
- Govt- Notif- of Recognition of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Permission 2 Seats 09-07-2003
- Permission BOG-MCI 3- 5 seats 25-11-2019
- Renewal of recognition Govt 2 seats 12-09-2019
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 2 seats 28-08-2019
18) Obstestrics and Gynaecology
- Permission increase intake 4 to 5 Seats 30-03-2010
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Renewal of Recognition BOG-MCI 5 seats 3-02-2019
- Renewal of Recognition Govt- 5 seats 28-02-2019
19) Anesthesiology
- Permission BOG-MCI 10 to 14 seats 26-11-2019
- Permission of Increase Seats 6 to 8 seats 31-03-2011
- Recognition Govt- increase intake 6 to 08 seats 17-03-2016
- Recognition Govt- Notif- of 8 Diplomas to Degree 12-06-2019
- Recognization MCI 6 to 08 seats 17-10-2016
20) Emergency Medicine
- Permision increase intake 1-3 seats 28-02-2020
- Permission 1 Seat 27-02-2015
- Recognition BOG-MCI 1 seat 15-02-19
- Recognition letter Govt-1 seat 29-07-2019
21) Immunohaematology and Blood Transfusion
C) Super Speciality
22) D.M. Critical Care Medicine
- Permission increase intake from 2-6 seats 28-01-22
- Recognition by BOG-MCI 2 seats 15-09-2019
- Recognition Govt- 2 seats 11-10-2019
23) D.M. Cardiology
- Permission NMC increase intake 2-3 seats 18-01-2022
- Recognition BOG- MCI 2 seats 15-09-2019
- Recognition Govt- 2 seats 11-10-2019
24) D.M. Neonatology
- Neonatology Permission increase intake 2-5 seats 01-09-22
- Recognition BOG-MCI 2 seats 15-09-2019
- Recognition Govt- 2 seats 11-10-2019
25) M.Ch. Urology
- Permission NMC increase intake 2-3 seats 16-12-21
- Recognition BOG-MCI 2 seats 15-09-2019
- Recognition Govt- 2 seats 11-10-2019